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How Often Should You Replace Your Mini’s Brake Fluid?

MINI Brake Warning LightWhile the frequency that you should have your MINI’s brake fluid replaced is going to depend a lot on your driving style, in general you should do this at least once every 3 years or 30,000 miles.

3 years is a long time and if you don’t have regular preventative maintenance scheduled, then that might be something you’ll want to consider – Your MINI needs to be maintained if you want to keep it running at its best!

If you haven’t replaced your brake fluid in a while, then it’s good to know the signs of trouble, so let’s take a look at some of the serious signs that it might be time to get your brake fluids replaced or to get your MINI’s brakes properly serviced!

Signs Your Mini’s Brakes Might Need Fluid Or Servicing

Brake issues aren’t always so dramatic in the beginning, so it can be easy to ‘write off’ a sign or symptom that you definitely shouldn’t.

Your Warning light

Precision-engineered, your MINI is a sophisticated machine, and when you see the warning light, it’s something that you ignore at your own peril. Just because you aren’t experiencing clunking or performance hits right now doesn’t mean that you won’t soon.

If your MINI flashes the brake fluid light, then you need more brake fluid. Period. Once you’ve topped it up, if you’re still seeing that light then it may need to be replaced or require further troubleshooting and let’s face it… ‘those are the brakes!’

Brakes are less responsive

While it’s easy to ignore a warning light, when your brakes are taking their sweet time to stop the vehicle, it’s something that you’ll definitely notice. Sometimes this will be accompanied by the pedal having less pressure, so that it feels ‘soft’ when you use it, but the main thing you’ll notice is that coming to a full stop takes longer than it used to.

In cases like this, it could be that the brake fluid needs replacing, but there could also be a leak, air in the line, or your brake pads might be wearing down. Get it checked right away – your brakes are too vital for yours and everyone else’s safety to ignore!

Vibrations in the brake pedal

If brake fluid hasn’t been replaced in a number of years, you may eventually start noticing symptoms such as vibrations in your brake pedal and this is NOT good. It could indicate that we’re beyond replacing fluids to fix the issue and into the territory of warped rotors.

You may well see the brake fluid light displaying during this issue but vibrations are much more serious than that – You’ll want to get your MINI into the shop right away!

Squeaky brakes

Once your brakes start squeaking or squealing, then you want to get them looked at NOW. Squealing or screeching from your brakes usually means that the pads are worn and if you wait on getting them service, then the next phase is ‘grinding’ and expensive drum damage could result.

Don’t ignore squeaks – they don’t need ‘oil’ or brake fluid – They’re a sign of your brake pads wearing thin and this needs to be fixed.

Nikolas Motorsport – Your One-Stop-Shop for MINI, BMW, and Porsche Maintenance and Repair

If you need your brakes checked, repair work, or preventative MINI Brake Fluid Replacementmaintenance that can keep those repairs at bay in the first place, then Nikolas Motorsport has got you covered!

Providing service in Pontiac, MI, as well as the surrounding areas of Bloomfield Hills, Farmington Hills, Rochester Hills, Royal Oak, and Troy, Nikolas Motorsport provides specialized service with an eye for your specific model of MINI, BMW, or Porsche.

With specialized tools such as the only Noelle Tuner in Michigan for BMWs, our specialized services mean that you’ll have a professional at your beck and call who KNOWS your actual model from top to bottom.


This not only saves you money, but also enormous amounts of time, as any issues can be quickly diagnosed and dealt with right away! Give us a call or come in and see for yourself the difference that having a specialist can really make – you’ll be very happy that you did!

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