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While the frequency that you should have your MINI’s brake fluid replaced is going to depend a lot on your driving style, in general you should do this at least once every 3 years or 30,000 miles.
3 years is a long time and if you don’t have regular preventative maintenance scheduled, then that might be something you’ll want to consider – Your MINI needs to be maintained if you want to keep it running at its best!
If you haven’t replaced your brake fluid in a while, then it’s good to know the signs of trouble, so let’s take a look at some of the serious signs that it might be time to get your brake fluids replaced or to get your MINI’s brakes properly serviced!
Signs Your Mini’s Brakes Might Need Fluid Or Servicing
Brake issues aren’t always so dramatic in the beginning, so it can be easy to ‘write off’ a sign or symptom that you definit [...]