Category: Auto Repair

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Car Transmission IssueNo vehicle has a perfect shelf life. All cars, no matter how expensive, will have eventual mechanical issues. Repair and replacement will need to be on the calendar at some point, and not all mechanical issues are created equal. A simple fix might be all that is needed, but there is one car issue in which it truly pays to be attentive: transmission failure. There are fewer mechanical issues that are more dreaded than transmission problems. It is perhaps one of the most expensive car replacements. Transmission problems are also impossible to ignore and can severely damage the engine. There are some clues that indicate a transmission problem in the form of sight, sound, and smell when it comes to deciphering if you have a transmission problem. It is much better to pay attention to the early warning indicators now and help prevent full trans [...]
Car Steering Wheel Vibration Your car will experience wear and tear over time the longer you drive it. This is especially true for the wheels, which are subject to a lot of force as they rotate. Over time, this can cause the wheels to become misaligned. If your wheels are misaligned, it can lead to a number of problems. The most obvious is that it will make your car harder to control, as the wheels will be pulling in different directions. This can make it difficult to keep the car going straight, and can also lead to premature tire wear. In extreme cases, wheel misalignment can even lead to a loss of control of the car altogether. So, how can you tell if your car's wheels are misaligned? Here are five signs to [...]
Car Unresponsive Brake Pedal Most modern vehicles employ an anti-lock braking system to prevent the driver from losing steering control while applying the brakes. The system comprises speed sensors attached to each wheel, valves, a pump, and a controller, which allows the driver to steer the vehicle while applying the brakes. When any system component fails, it affects the proper functioning of the ABS, resulting in hard braking, erratic brake behavior, and unusual noise while braking. Before discussing the symptoms of a failed ABS, let's examine the ABS components and how they help the driver maintain steering control while braking. The Anti-Lock Braking System Pump: The pump is also known as the modulator or Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU). The pump comprises valves controlled by solenoids, an electrical engine, and a base connecting brake hoses. The [...]
Car Transmission Oil LeakThe transmission is seen as one of the sturdiest parts of a vehicle, but it does require proper care. When your vehicle’s transmission overheats, it can cause damage to the sensitive parts that make up this component. Transmission overheating is, in fact, one of the most common causes of transmission damage. Although periodic transmission servicing should always be handled by professionals, you can take certain steps to prevent the occurrence of overheating. Let's take a look at transmission overheating issues and how to deal with them when they arise. Common Signs Your Transmission is Overheating There are several tell-tale signs when a car’s transmission is overheating. Unfortunately, many car owners do not take cognizance of these signs before it’s too late and severe damage has occurred. The function of the transmission fluid [...]
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