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Author Archives for Charles Oehmke

MINI Poor Handling and Steering If you’ve noticed unusual noises, uneven tire wear, or a decline in handling, you might be dealing with a problem that many Mini owners face: mushrooming shock towers. It may sound like overlooking this matter is harmless, but it could pose grave dangers for your Mini and even your life. Below is an insight into what mushrooming shock towers are, what happens when the mushrooming shock towers take place and how it should be handled. What Are Mushrooming Shock Towers? Your Mini’s shock towers are the structural parts of the suspension system and are positioned at the top of the front struts. They act as shock absorbers by reducing the effects that come with contact on bouncing and irregular roads. Long-term stress from off-road driving can result in the metal of the shock towers becoming distorted or, as it were, ‘mushroomed’ outward. This damage causes
Porsche Engine Overheating Have you ever noticed some metal splinters in your car’s engine oil? Such a problem is easy to ignore as it does not seem as serious as faulty brake pads. However, your Porsche is an investment and if you want to get the best return, you have to pay attention to all its issues as they come. Metal shavings in your car oil could be a result of various factors and in this guide, we will explain these factors in detail and help you find a solution to this problem before it ruins your investment. What Causes Metal Shavings in Car Oil? While it is almost normal to have metal shreds What Causes Metal Shavings in Porsche Oil
Porsche Ignition LockIgnition lock problems in your Porsche can be frustrating, especially when you have somewhere to be and the engine won't start. The ignition lock is part of the ignition switch mechanism that helps you start or stop the engine and other electrical appliances in the car. However, this ignition lock could fail to perform its functions, leading to various inconveniences. Reasons for Porsche Ignition Lock Faults Here are some of the most common causes of ignition lock failures in a car: Electrical Issues Ignition lock problems may arise in your car due to electrical problems like faulty wiring or poor connection. The ignition system needs a steady supply of electricity to power the ignition switch and lock which ensures that the engine starts. However, without the needed supply of electricity, the ignition lock could fail to deliver its function. Damaged Key or Key Fob Depending on the ignition system that your car has, you may need [...]
BMW Window RegulatorHave you ever lowered the window of your BMW and realized it won’t roll back up? If you’ve run into this problem, it’s possible that you have a malfunctioning window regulator. This problem can occur in luxury vehicles like BMW, so finding a trustworthy repair shop for a luxury car repair can sometimes be a tough task. Many drivers do not understand the importance of a smooth, working window until they have a window that refuses to close during a rainstorm or on a warm day without a functional AC. Let's discuss how to pick the best repair shop for your BMW’s window regulator problem. Why Does Choosing the Right BMW Repair Specialist Matter? Precision and detailed technology go into the production of BMW vehicles. This means that to repair any part of the vehicle, the mechanic needs certain expertise and tools. Though any general mechanic could have a look at your BMW, you need a shop that recognizes the special parts and features tha [...]
Black Porsche Car
Black Porsche Car No vehicle is immune to problems, and the older it gets, the more susceptible it is to damage due to wear and tear. You may begin to notice issues with your Porsche's systems the longer you drive it. One of the common issues with Porsche models is the pressure accumulator failure. A breakdown of this component could cause various problems from reduced performance to rough rides. Being able to identify this problem in time and fix it is key to protecting your car's system. What is a Porsche Pressure Accumulator and Does it Fail? Your Porsche needs various car components to ensure that it functions adequately, the pressure accumulator is one of such components. The pressure accumulator is made up of chambers, valves, pistons, pumps, and hydraulic lines. This component utilizes hydraulic fluid in various car parts to generate and regulate pressure that ensures the efficient function of these parts. Some vehicle systems such as braking, suspe [...]
Porsche Maintenance In Our Garage
Porsche Maintenance In Our Garage Your Porsche is a wonderful car that is designed to perform at its best, but for this to happen it has to be well maintained. Whether you are a new car owner or have been driving your Porsche for years, these are some things you should avoid or do when maintaining this car brand. Below are some of the recommended Porsche maintenance do’s and don’ts for proper car care and maintenance. Dos Drive Your Porsche Regularly: Taking your Porsche for a drive often is one of the best things that you can do for the car. Cars are built to be used and constant use helps in maintaining all the parts in good shape. As much as you may not use your Porsche for daily rides, ensure you occasionally take it out for a spin to ensure the Engine, Brakes, and other parts are kept in optimal condition. Store Your Porsche Properly: When you are not using your Porsche for a long time, it is essential to store it c [...]
MINI Acceleration Stumbling
MINI Acceleration StumblingIt is a well-known fact that some Mini Coopers have had acceleration stumbling issues. The underlying reason for an acceleration stubble is varied. Only a deep and professional inspection of your car will reveal what the exact problem is. First, acceleration stumble is also called engine stumble. When you step on the accelerator, you expect your car to pick up speed. Instead, if your Mini hesitates or jerks, that’s an acceleration stumble. You may notice it feels like your car is sluggish and lacking power or slow to accelerate. This is a potentially dangerous situation because it could lead to an accident if you cannot get away quickly from an unwanted situation. What Causes Acceleration Stumbling? There are many reasons why you may notice acceleration stumbling in your Mini. Here is a blanket list or various possibilities. Mass Air Flow Sensor (MAF): This sensor monitors how much air is allowed into the en [...]
BMW Cars In Our Garage For Repair
BMW Cars In Our Garage For Repair There are many myths surrounding BMW repair that can cause owners a lot of stress and costs that are not warranted. Whether you are a first-time BMW owner or have been a proud owner for many years, it is high time that you get to know the truth. Here are some of the biggest myths about BMW repair and what you should actually do for your car. Common Myths About BMW Repair BMWs Can Only Be Repaired By A Dealership The most common misconception is that the repairs and maintenance can only be done by the dealers of BMW cars. Although dealerships would of course have the equipment and the know-how to work on BMWs, any mechanic or repair shop is fully capable of doing the same. These shops have trained technicians who are dedicated to fixing BMWs and may be able to do the job at a cheaper price than a dealer. Also, independent shops can [...]
BMW Poor Engine Performance You have a BMW—a performance vehicle—yet you notice your car seems to lack power! There could be several reasons for this. One of the commonplace issues is a compromised vacuum hose that may have a leak. This problem in and of itself is not serious. The fix is simple and not costly. A vacuum leak becomes a serious matter because left unchecked, it can cause severe damage to your car. However, repairing it in a timely manner is not very expensive and can be easily done by a professional mechanic. In this article, we will discuss what vacuum hoses are, their purpose, some signs you may have a problem, and, most importantly, what to do if you see any of these symptoms. What is a Vacuum Hose in a Car and Why Do You Need It? A vacuum hose is a critical component of your car that generates power by creating a vacuum. It is a flexible tube that transfers vacuum power to different parts of your BMW. It helps maintain th [...]
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